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Loved by Angels or Delivered to Demons

June 29, 2017

Sean Michael, April 2017

Even as the angels’ wings disturb the air around me
I hear the demons scream
Somehow they’ve found me

Doubt strikes first
And I stumble
As insecurity delivers a blow
I begin to crumble
I try to speak
But I just mumble

As the words depart my breath
I question their sanity
Just another test
Of my patience for life’s monotony

I’m standing on the precipice
And if I jump
I wonder if the angels will catch me
Or let me fall to demons below
Teeth gnashing


Posted for  dVerse Poets, Open Link Night #199, June 29, 2017

From → BLOG, Poetry

  1. I suspect it is best not to jump.


    • The Angels, the Demons, and the cliffs are really used as symbols. The Angels represent who and what I love; the demons are doubt, insecurity, etc., and “jumping off the cliff” is a leap of faith, taking a chance trust, love, all that stuff, So, if I were to jump and it doesn’t work out and the demons overwhelm me, would it have been worth it, that is taking a shot at Heaven?

      Liked by 1 person

  2. we pass thru very tough very rough times. we can get thru from it. 🙂


  3. Depression is a dreadful thing. What can one say that will help? If I could parcel up a stash of compassion and post it off I would.


  4. Even the angels aren’t to be trusted…I think you should trust yourself.


    • Good thought but… I was a thief, drug addict, self sabotage, and I sometimes scare myself. As I recover from the wounds I’ve inflicted, I need the help of my Angels.


      • ‘As I recover from the wounds I’ve inflicted’ – busy with that myself – just today had a moment or two that lasted forever. Remorse is one very tiny step away from perpetual, paralyzing guilt. I think anyway.


      • For petrujviljoen: Sometimes moments do seem to last forever; true indeed. I agree, there’s a thin line between remorse and guilt.


  5. Poe-etic, and interesting theology.


  6. Oh dear, this is disturbing. “When you feel your faith has failed you; all your hopes and dreams are gone; listen for the inner voice that whispers ‘Just Hold On'”.


  7. I think that even if those demons are there, I find it hard to trust the angels to catch you…such a hard situation.


  8. There is such angst in this and I feel it with you. Environment affects us so and I can’t begin to imagine what it is like for you. I pick up so easily on the moods of those around me. I send loving thoughts and prayers your way. You are a brave man.


  9. Although I am not religious, I’d like to believe you have been caught by angels. You have powerful prose and much to say. That, in itself, is a gift of light. You are clearly in touch with your soul or inner being. Continue to share this with the world. It helps us through darkness, too.


    • Nor am I religious, although quite spiritual. The angels/demons are more metaphors: Angels, the people and things I love, and demons…oh, the demons!


  10. Anahi Martinez permalink

    I love your work, you keep in inspiring me to write more poetry.


    • I’m glad to inspire the young, intelligent, inquisitive minds. Your poetry is special because it is your thoughts, feelings, ideas, perceptions, etc., which are so large and difficult to express gifted to the universe. Suddenly, these things we struggled to make sense of are accepted, endorsed and somehow understood. Poetry is the oldest form of literature, and currently the most under-appreciated. So I encourage you to continue writing. Peace and happiness will grow inside of you, even as you spill your darkest sorrows on the page.


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