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Gasoline and Hellfire

March 8, 2018

Sean Michael, October 2017

The more that I want something
The more I become beholden to that thing
And as I seek that thing out
I become beholden to those whom I seek it from

Tethered to my desire
Perpetual aching lust
Needing wants
Discarding needs

A spark that turns into a flame
Spreading like a wildfire
Devouring all until only it remains
The progenitor of pleasure and pain

Feverish flash
Hollow inside
The taste of ashes in my throat
Wanting what I can not have the most


Posted for dVerse Poets, Open Link Night #215, March 8, 2018

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  1. scotthastiepoet permalink

    Been there… and really feel this Sean… A strong write…


  2. Yes, I think we will all find some resonance in this, Sean. Always happy to see you here. You have much to share.


  3. So very true. I can mos de f relate to this. I hope you are well.


  4. Good point about becoming beholden to what we desire.


  5. Great poem! “The progenitor of pleasure and pain…” Often the way it is when things are out of reach!


  6. I know that desire… but it also mellows when you age, which is a curse and a blessing.


  7. So true, I specially like your opening lines~ And its hard, wanting what we can’t have the most~


  8. I have felt that way and still do. I still don’t have it. Lol!


  9. hypercryptical permalink

    A strong write indeed (and much wisdom there).
    I think I understand why you have written these words…
    Kind regards
    Anna :o]


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