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To My Little Brother

May 15, 2015

Sean Michael, April 27, 2015


Justin, 2005

We, before you, haven’t paved an even road
and the going will be rough,

but you’re smart enough and you’re tough.
Endurance is the word.

Maybe you’ll stumble and fall, scrape your palms,
but you’ll rise, dust it off, stand tall.

I wish only good upon you, kid,
and wish I could erase all the wrong I did.

As I sit in this prison cell and waste away,
you are growing every day.

When I pray, I pray you’ll learn from my mistakes,
and that the the angels will keep you safe.

Take care of your sisters and your mother,
and never forget, I love you, little brother.

From → BLOG, Poetry

  1. Beautiful, Love will prevail….


  2. Thank you. I wrote this poem in response to a prompt from d’Verse Poets Pub. Being in prison, I can’t respond to these prompts in time to link in to the site, but I still found inspiration from it. You should check out their sit, it’s cool.


  3. Rosemary Lang permalink

    Sean, I pray things are going as well as one would expect under such circumstances. Stay strong my friend. I’m actually visiting your mom right now, today’s your sister’s birthday, its been a good day. This entry caught my eye because of the picture of your brother, Justine that’s attached to it. That’s what he looked like last time I saw him…was I surprised! Hes so grown up! The poem you wrote for him is sweet, I know how much you love him. Your mom will never give up her fight for you, she believes in you, its very obvious. Not a day has passed that she hasn’t mentioned you, know you’re with her as I know she’s with you every single day. Take care of yourself Sean, keep writing…your an inspiration and your work very touching.


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